Work With Our Knowledgeable Lawyers On Real Estate Transactions
Throughout our lives, most of us encounter issues that involve real estate matters. Whether this includes the buying or selling of a residential home, the leasing of commercial space for your business, or dealing with a lot line dispute with your neighbor, real estate is likely something you have confronted or will confront at some point.
The real estate attorneys at Pentiuk, Couvreur & Kobiljak, P.C., are knowledgeable in a wide array of real estate transactions while recognizing the importance of addressing your real estate matter in a timely, cost-efficient manner.
Our Attorneys Handle A Wide Array of Real Estate Matters
The firm’s real estate experience can address the following areas:
- Residential and commercial sales and acquisitions, including negotiations, purchase agreements, 1031 exchanges and other transactions
- Title work, including title analysis and title insurance policies
- Land use and zoning issues, including reviewing proposed uses in light of applicable zoning ordinances and pursuing variances, conditional use permits and other solutions to land use issues
- Residential and commercial leases, including drafting and reviewing leases, navigating eviction proceedings and handling landlord-tenant disputes
- Construction disputes such as contract issues, delays and construction defect claims
- Real estate development for both residential and commercial properties across Michigan
- Real estate financing, including mortgages, refinances, joint ventures and commercial real estate loans
- Foreclosures, including debt restructuring and loan workouts with financial institutions
- Real estate litigation involving disputes over transactions, foreclosure proceedings, breach of contract and other disputes
- Condominiums, homeowners associations and cooperative housing, including representing associations and providing in-depth guidance on cooperative housing law
Our detailed, proactive approach helps our clients at all stages of real estate matters. While we can assist with all areas listed above, we notably have extensive experience in the complex areas of cooperative housing law and condominium or HOA law. We have represented clients across the country and developed in-depth knowledge of everything from day-to-day operations to the big-picture legal needs of these organizations.
Frequently Asked Questions About Real Estate Law
No matter what real estate issue you face, NAPNAME lawyers are here to help you. For over thirty years, we have been answering real estate law questions for our clients. Some of the most common questions include:
What should I consider when negotiating a commercial lease in Michigan?
Michigan commercial leases are complicated. Whether you are a seasoned business owner or a startup, you should always be aware of your choices when negotiating a commercial lease. Poor negotiations can lead to high rent, strict regulations, extensive liabilities and limited space. You can safeguard your rights by talking with a real estate lawyer. We can help ease the negotiation process for a commercial lease by working collaboratively with you.
How can I protect my business during a real estate transaction in Michigan?
When dealing with a real estate transaction in Michigan, it is important to talk to a real estate lawyer to learn about your business protection options. They can recommend legal protections customized around your unique operations.
What are the key differences between buying and leasing commercial property in Michigan?
There are differences to consider when deciding whether you should buy or lease a commercial property in Michigan.
Leasing a business space could mean paying more in the long run. However, it offers the flexibility of relocating to fit your commercial needs, and the property owner may cover maintenance and other upkeep obligations, allowing you to focus on your business first. Owning a commercial property in Michigan can be a lot cheaper for your business. You may also have more flexibility when altering and expanding the property.
What legal issues should I be aware of when purchasing a property for my business in Michigan?
There are a lot of issues that can arise when purchasing a commercial property for business use. For example, there may be zoning issues, legal matters and environmental impacts to consider, which may prevent smooth operations. A property may have a lien or other title issues leading to instability. An attorney can help investigate any issues with a property before you agree to a purchase.
How do Michigan zoning laws impact my business’s real estate decisions?
Zoning laws can include certain legal restrictions, such as height limitations on buildings, accessibility or parking space ratios. These kinds of restrictions could be costly for a business and impact operations.
Speak With Our Attorneys About Your Real Estate Needs
Our attorneys are dedicated, highly experienced and efficient. To speak with us, email our firm about your legal matter or call one of our two office locations: Wyandotte at 773-435-9064 or Chicago at 773-435-9064.