

A Reliable And Tenacious Team You Can Trust

Commercial Business Lawyers Protecting The Rights And Interests Of Clients

The commercial transaction attorneys at Pentiuk, Couvreur & Kobiljak, P.C., understand the importance of protecting the rights and interests of businesses, banks and credit unions. Our attorneys have decades of experience advising and representing clients’ commercial interests In Michigan.

We work with our clients to make informed and educated decisions, from the start of a conflict through the end of the resolution. Our clients include financial institutions, corporations, municipalities, executives and directors.

They trust us to guide them through their most significant commercial litigation challenges. Our experience in contentious matters and extensive legal resources gives us the insight to advise our clients through the complex issues that can accompany your business transactions. We are also known for our strength in class action work.

Helping Clients Avoid Large-Scale Litigation

Litigation, while sometimes necessary, can be a costly, disruptive, and time-intensive endeavor. Whenever possible, we advise our clients on proactive measures to take to avoid litigation. These measures include risk management and compliance, among others. While a proactive approach can avoid disputes in many situations, if a dispute does arise, we provide our clients with the resources and knowledge they need to reach a swift resolution.

Our practice offers a wide range of experience in such matters as:

  • Mergers and acquisitions: We assist with financing and structuring deals to ensure a smooth transaction.
  • Commercial regulatory matters: We advise businesses on regulatory compliance issues that arise in transactions.
  • Credit unions and banking institutions: We serve as valued legal partners for financial institutions navigating transactional matters.
  • Commercial real estate transactions: Our real estate attorneys have a wealth of experience in this area.
  • Creditors’ rights: Our lawyers work proactively to protect creditors’ rights in the context of commercial transactions.
  • Mortgage lender rights: We take a diligent approach toward upholding lender rights in mortgage-related transactions.
  • State and federal fair debt compliance: In transactions involving creditors, we ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws.
  • Contracts: We excel at drafting, negotiating and reviewing commercial contracts, and we handle disputes arising out of transactional contracts.

Experienced And Tenacious Legal Representation From A Skilled Team Of Transactional Lawyers

We serve clients throughout the Midwest from our office in Wyandotte. Our commercial transaction attorneys provide the zealous representation financial institutions and businesses need and deserve. Call us in Wyandotte, Michigan, at 773-435-9064 to schedule a phone or virtual consultation with one of our attorneys now. You can also reach out to us online.