Sitting on coop and condominium boards can be thankless volunteer job. The list of responsibilities is typically long, ranging from fielding questions from fellow residents to staff supervision to issuing assessments for major projects. Some board members may not particularly enjoy listening to complaints during an elevator ride to their floor after a long day at work. Still, the role that boards play is crucial to retaining the value of your real estate asset and generally making your living space a better and more welcoming place. Nonetheless, the work doesn’t happen in a vacuum and it is vital to remain engaged with fellow residents the board represents.
7 strategies for engagement
Some of these are more social in nature, while others are more technical:
- Incentivize engagement: Offer incentives for participation, such as reduced fees for those who volunteer or serve on committees. Recognize and appreciate volunteers through events or small rewards that acknowledge the effort.
- Create community: Foster a sense of community by organizing social events, workshops and regular meetings. Use social media and online forums to keep members informed and involved.
- Be relevant: Ensure the co-op meets its members’ evolving needs and expectations. This includes embracing technology, offering modern amenities and maintaining high standards of service.
- Increase diversity: The co-op’s leadership and activities should reflect the community’s diversity. This can help ensure that all members feel represented and valued.
- Clear communication: Maintain open and transparent communication channels. Regular updates, newsletters and feedback opportunities can help keep members informed and engaged.
- Hold regular meetings: Schedule regular board meetings and ensure they are well-publicized. Consistent meeting times help members plan and stay involved. Providing snacks and refreshments can
- Community projects: Organize community service projects, such as food or clothing drives, to bring residents together for a common cause unrelated to building operations.
Each building has its personality, and some strategies may be more successful than others. Still, by implementing these strategies, a co-op board can work toward a more engaged and cohesive community.