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Bylaws for running homeowner associations

Homeowner association bylaws are made to guide the management of a homeowner association and establish the basic rules and standards that they must enforce on their residents. The main board’s duties are to ensure the safety of communities in Michigan, determine the activities that residents can participate in and set living standards that they must follow.

The board of directors

A basic homeowner association law determines how the board of directors is formed, such as the minimum and maximum number of members, the hierarchy of their positions and the term lengths. The laws determine how elections are conducted and how homeowners are able to elect board members, from the president to the treasurer. The board of directors can form committees to address specific problems in the community and perform special projects that are presented to the entire board.

Another law involves the procedures for making amendments to the community’s governing documents. An amendment typically requires a special meeting held by the members and a passing vote by a majority.

Documents and record-keeping

The HOA regulates how the association’s documents and records are stored and reviewed. The documents can be copied or inspected by the board members. A member who is terminated or resigns has to return any documents in possession to the newly elected officials.

Bylaws affect how HOAs work

Buying a property and paying for repairs are not the only responsibilities that a home buyer has. There are also the HOA’s rules and regulations that all property owners must pay attention to and adhere to. Overall, HOA bylaws determine how the HOA must establish the rules for these residents.
